Molecular Detection of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase in Isolated Bacteria from Blood Cultures
Introduction: ESBLs are a B -lactamases which had ability to hydrolyse third-generationcephalosporins and aztreonam. ESBLs producer bacteria are resistant to a wide variety of
antimicrobials and they made a serious global health concern for treatment strategies. So, aim of
this study as to molecular detection of ESBLs in bacteria isolated from blood cultures in
hospitals from Kurdistan Province, Iran.
Methods: Biochemical test, antimicrobial susceptibility test by disc method, ESBL detection by
NCCLs Phenotypic and PCR method for ESBL detection were applied. Results were analyzed
by using SPSS 11.5 (p < 0.05).
Results: 96 S. epidermidis isolated from blood cultures, E. coli, Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella
spp., P. aeruginosa, Salmonella spp., C. freundii, S. maltophilia, also S. aureus, and
S.epidermis. Maximum resistance was 75% for CP and minimum resistance was 25% for GM.
Of the 96 isolates, 20 (20.83%) produced ESBLs. Also 11.46%, 20.83%, 12.5%, 9.38% and
2.08% were positive for TEM, CTX-M, SHV, OXA-1 and OXA-2 ensymes, respectively.
Conclusion: Inappropriate therapy for infections with ESBL producers is cause of prolongs
hospital stay and mortality. So, more research on drug resistance with ESBL is necessary.
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Issue | Vol 4 No 1-2 (2015) | |
Section | Original Articles | |
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Molecular detection Extended-spectrum Beta-lactamase Bacteria Blood |
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