Original Articles

The Prevalence of Gram-Negative Bacilli in the Environment and the Equipments: A Case Study in Hospitals of the East of Golestan Province, Iran


Background:  Nosocomial infections are considered as health issues that affect developed and poor countries. These infections can be transmitted to patients through hospital environment and equipments. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of Gram-negative bacilli in the environment and the equipments of hospitals in the East of Golestan province in 2015. 

Methods:  In this study, 770 samples were collected using sterile swabs from the environment and equipments which were in use in different units of six teaching hospitals located in the East of Golestan province. The collected samples were then identified by standard biochemical tests. 

Results:   Of the total samples, 249 samples (32.33%) were contaminated with Gram-negative bacilli with the most number of contaminations were Enterobacter aerogenes (37.75%) at the Department of Surgery (18.07%).  Among the medical equipments and surfaces, the highest level of contamination was observed in laryngoscope and its blades (10.44%), suctions (7.23%), and EKG sensors and monitoring connectors (7.23%). Telephone handset (5.22%) and patients’ bed (5.22%) had the highest rate of contamination with Gram-negative bacilli in the non-medical equipments. 

Conclusion:  The results of the present study shows that Gram-negative bacilli contamination rates are considerable in hospitals in East of the Golestan province. Thus, hand washing, disinfecting, sterilizing medical equipment and generally compliance with the standards in this field are of great importance.

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IssueVol 5 No 3-4 (2016) QRcode
SectionOriginal Articles
Gram-negative bacilli Nosocomial infection Hospital Environment equipments

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How to Cite
Ayatollahi AA, Amini A, Kazemi Darsanaki R, Rahimi S. The Prevalence of Gram-Negative Bacilli in the Environment and the Equipments: A Case Study in Hospitals of the East of Golestan Province, Iran. J Med Bacteriol. 2017;5(3-4):15-21.