Determination of Serum Vitamin D Levels in Patients with COVID-19
Background: In 2019, the first cases of an acute respiratory infectious disease were announced in the city of Wuhan, China. In places where the speed of transmission and the resulting high prevalence and death from this virus is high, it is important to find things that help prevent and reduce the symptoms and complications of the disease, one of these things. Things are serum levels of vitamin D. As a result of this study, serum levels of vitamin D were measured in patients with Covid-19.
Methods: From December to March of 1400, 100 samples of people hospitalized in Khurshid laboratory were examined to identify the RNA of the Covid-19 virus by Real Time PCR method and at the same time to check the serum levels of vitamin D. The data was statistically analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The average age of the patients was between 12.45 and 40.8 years. Comparison the two Covid-19 positive and negative groups in terms of symptoms, it was found that the patients with RH positive had more positive PCR percentage and a significant difference was reported between RH positive and Covid-19 (p=0.006). In comparing the relationship between disease symptoms and the rate of PCR positive reports of gastrointestinal symptoms, history of significant disease, cough, fever, a significant difference was reported (p<0.001). Also, 50% of the samples were PCR positive. Based on the t-test, a significant difference was reported between the serum levels of vitamin D and Covid-19 (p<0.001).
Conclusion: The results showed that the vitamin D is an acceptable protective factor against Covid-19 infection and its deficiency increases the probability of infection.
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Covid-19 Vitamin D Real time PCR |
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