Case Reports

Listeria grayi meningitis in a polypathological patient: A case report


Background:   The various species of the Listeria genus are frequently isolated from food and drink products. They are classified into two categories according to their pathogenicity. Pathogenic species are frequently incriminated in infections of the elderly, immunocompromised and pregnant women. The Listeria grayi species is rarely isolated as a pathogen in human pathologies. We report a case of L. grayi meningitis in a polypathological patient. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed resistance to ampicillin and susceptibility to Meropenem. Therapeutic failure was recorded despite in vitro sensitivity.
Methods:   Conventional biochemical test and Api Listeria gallery was used for identification of the isolate.
Results:   We report a case of L. grayi meningitis in a polypathological patient.  Antimicrobial susceptibility testing revealed resistance to ampicillin and susceptibility to Meropenem. Therapeutic failure was recorded despite in vitro sensitivity.
Conclusion:   Given its infrequent reporting, Listeria grayi meningitis warrants consideration, especially in elderly patients with multiple pathologies. 

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IssueVol 12 No 3 (2024) QRcode
SectionCase Reports
Listeria grayi Meningitis Meropenem Penicillin Polypathological patient.

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How to Cite
Issa Moussa R, Habboubat I, Ben Lahlou Y, Chadli M. Listeria grayi meningitis in a polypathological patient: A case report. J Med Bacteriol. 2024;12(3):62-67.